Are you an Orphan or Son?

Do you operate as an orphan or a son? How you answer that question will determine how much you receive from the God the Father. The truth is, if you have accepted Christ, you are a son of the king…even though you might act and believe as though you’re an orphan. You do not receive what you do not believe. I am willing to bet if I deposited a check for $100,000 in your bank account, you would never spend it…that is if I or the bank never told you it was there. Well, God has made deposits in your life and this article is to inform you the deposits are there. Change the way you think. Simply believe; simply receive. 

Jesus told His disciples, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18) Jesus’ mission was to demonstrate the Father’s love by granting eternal life to all who believed in the Son. Moreover, not only was it to give eternal life through the Son but also to graft all of those who believed into the family of God, as sons and daughters. Though we were once orphans, the Father has adopted us. Paul stressed this point to the Galatians by saying:

“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’ Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.” (Galatians 4: 4-7)

Are you an Orphan?

We received the adoption as sons! Some women don’t like the idea of being called a “son,” likewise, some men don’t like being called a bride. Both terms denote the intimate relationship we are to have with both the Father and the Son. In order to understand what it means to be a son, let’s first look at what it means to be an orphan. A.J. Jones, in her book Finding Father, states:

“An orphan is someone who lives outside of the Father’s presence. The atmosphere of Heaven is one of continuous love twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, an orphan is someone who lives outside of that love more than they live in it.”

An orphan believes that they are not safe or loved. They strive for everything that they obtain. Inwardly isolated and lonely they search for relationships with meaning but the stress of maintaining those relationships seems too hard to handle. An orphan’s life is marked with stress and fear. Many Christians continue to operate out of the orphan mindset even though they might have grown up in a good home or church. An orphan is about earning where a son is about resting. Living as a son is the way to go since God himself created us to be His children.

An orphan is about earning where a son is about resting.

One who operates out of the spirit of sonship finds security in the Father’s lap. They know they are loved and are able to express that love towards others, are able to see their identity reflecting back in the Father’s eyes, and operate out of the love and rest they receive from the Father. You’re given the choice between being an orphan or being a son. Pick being a son.

Privileges of a Son

Being a son has it privileges. “The greatest treasures are released to those who rest.” Bill Johnson says, “There are things that are reserved only for sons, not soldiers.” My dad, being promoted general, had many soldiers under him; however, I had access to him that those soldiers do not. I’m able to call him dad. I’m able to share a love with him they are not privileged to share. “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.” (1 John 3:1) God calls you his child, not his employee.

If you are on a journey, the moment you decide to return home you will find the Father has been looking for you. Even from a long way off you will see Him running toward you. Get ready because He is a fast runner! He will take you in His arms and call you son. He covers your shame and gives you His authority. You are more important to Him than anything. God is amazing at throwing parties!

Receive God’s Love

The truth is, we receive as much of God’s love as we have value for Him. The more we know God; the more we value God. To know God is to love God. This foundation is so important. This foundation of knowing God as our loving Father. We are not receiving from a “big cop” in the sky, but from our own daddy who loves us. As you move forward, I want these two truths to resonate throughout your entire being.

You are a son of the King.

The King is absolutely in love with you. 

With these two truths in you, we’re able to move on to receiving. We do absolutely nothing to earn being a son. We just receive it. Being a son gives you the freedom to rest and be yourself. That’s good news because too many of us put up walls and work way too hard to become someone we are not. God wants you to be you. You are loved unconditionally by your Father. Our goal is to introduce people to God in a way that every time they enter His presence they get that tingly sensation. It’s good.

Thoughts for Today:

Throughout the rest of the week, reflect on these two statements:

You’re a son of the King.

The King is absolutely in love with you. 

  • How do these statements affect your stress level?
  • How about your rest?
  • Do these statements affect your prayer life?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Chris Baldwin is an attorney, author, and speaker. He helps motivated but overwhelmed Christian bloggers create, grow, and leverage their online platforms for the Kingdom. Chris blogs at

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