If you’re anything like me, you have a to-do list. But not just any to-do list, you have a list that will take you months—if not years—to finish…and it grows daily. The daily struggle is not working on the list, its knowing where to start on the list. There are too many task needing to […]
Be More Productive
Change Your Life by Aiming at These Three Targets
Pursuing the American dream is nothing like walking down a grassy path or driving down the interstate. It’s more like climbing a mountain or taking a sports car down a dirt road. Many people start down the trail or the road with great expectations and intentions. However, they come to a halt when they realize […]
The Power of Post-It Notes
The typical post-it note lives its life barely hanging onto a dusty monitor as it proclaims what time you were suppose to meet your friend for lunch…last month. However, the post-it note might be the best creative tool ever created. The post-it note is invaluable when it comes to studying, mind mapping, and outlining. Trust […]
My First Century: What I Learned
On March 17, 2018 I did something I never dreamt possible, at least not for me; I cycled 101 miles, in one day. I formed the dream almost a year ago when I bought my road bike. A century ride is a major mile stone for cyclists everywhere and was a goal I was eager […]
Rise & Shine: 5 Reasons to Wake Up Early
Everyone, including my mom, proclaims waking up early is a good idea. There’s even a saying, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” I know the struggle, the alarm clock goes off and you know you should get out of bed…but you don’t. Instead you ask “Why?” and […]
How to Finish Well: 3 Things You Can Do
I, like most people, don’t have a problem with starting a new project. I do, however, have a problem with finishing. Have you ever started a project and then scrapped it half way through? I know I have. Have you ever been afraid you won’t be able to finish what you’ve started? Me too. Many […]
3 Things You Can Learn From a Magician
Being a professional magician myself, I’ve met many other magicians throughout the years. We meet up at conventions, chat on the telephone, and send messages to one another. We mostly discuss effects and techniques. In our discussions, I’ve discovered that all magicians subscribe to three common beliefs. We magicians use these beliefs when sculpting better effects; however, […]