How to Defeat Procrastination

If you struggle with procrastination, then this article is just for you. Here’s why, this article addresses the reasons we procrastinate, the pitfalls of procrastination, and seven steps you can use to defeat procrastination. 

Procrastination is the action of delaying or postposing something. It’s where you say “I’ll do that later…or tomorrow.” You don’t have to be stuck in the habit of procrastinating. You can break the habit and change your life.

The Reasons We Procrastinate 

There are some triggers that routinely prompt procrastination. If you know the trigger, then you can change the habit. As you read through them, think…which of these triggers typically prompt procrastination for me. When you recognize the trigger you can stop the procrastination. 


We’re worried we’ll make a mistake in our work and expose a weakness. Because we’re so worried we put off the task till later. We want the project to be perfect. 

We can never do perfect work. Done is better than perfect. Believe me…you’re work doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be done. Perfectionist are fantastic procrastinators. 

Fear of Not Knowing

When we are unsure of the outcome…we procrastinate. A good example is asking out that girl you like…when you don’t know whether she’ll check yes or no…you’re more likely to put off asking her out. 

This is true for work as well. When you’re not sure how your boss is going to respond to your work product, you’ll likely put off the project and then have to rush to finish it…meaning you’ve almost ensured they won’t like it. 

Lack of Motivation

Do you find value in the project? Is there stress associated with the project? Are you surrounded with negativity? Lack of value, stress, and negativity causes a lack of motivation…which results in procrastination. 

If this is an issues for you, work on stress management and try to remove the negativity from the project. I also highly recommend taking out a sheet of paper and writing down the value you’ll receive from completing the project. Maybe the value is simply you keep to keep your job…either way knowing the value will help you gain motivation and defeat procrastination. 

Not Sure How to Start

When we don’t know how to start something…we procrastinate. This is similar to the fear of the unknown. We just don’t know what to do. One of the best things you can do when this happens is list out the first couple of steps that need to happen and then just start. 

Get started on the project and figure it out as you go. You’d be surprised by how much of it will fall into place if you just start. 


When we’re distracted we procrastinate. Things like receiving a text message or phone call while working on a project will result in procrastination.

Keep a notepad near you. Anytime a task pops in your head that you need to do…that’s not related to the project at hand…write it down. This frees your mind from having to remember the new task. At the end you can look over the note pad and decide what to work on next. 

The Pitfalls of Procrastination

There many many many pitfalls for procrastinating. In this section I’ll address 6 different pitfalls created by procrastinating. I got these 6 from the Ray Edward’s Show. Check it out here.

Missed Deadlines 

When we procrastinate we miss deadlines. This is not good. Deadlines are crucial to our jobs…even if you’re an entrepreneur. Deadlines are set for numbers reasons…but the commonality is they MUST be met. When you procrastinate you miss deadlines. 

This could be because you’ve procrastinated on the project or because you’ve procrastinated on other projects to the point your workload is now overwhelming…and you’re struggling to just get everything done…forget getting it done on time. 

Hurried or Sloppy Work

When you procrastinate you produce hurried or sloppy work. With the deadline approaching, you rush to finish the project. The result is your work product is hurried or sloppy. This does not look good to your boss, your employees, or your readers. 

When you defeat procrastination, you’re able to give the projects the time they deserve and finish them well. This level of work product makes you look good…which is something we all want…especially when it comes to our work product. 

Increased Stress

When you procrastinate you create stress. The more projects you procrastinate on…the more stress created. This stress puts a strain on your work, your relationships, and your life. 

Every area of your life is affected by the stress you’ve created by procrastinating on projects. By defeating procrastination you’re able to alleviate a good deal of stress from your life. 

Defeated Attitude

Another pitfall of procrastination is having a defeated attitude. When your projects pile up you start feeling defeated. You no longer see a way out of the mess you’ve allowed to be created. Because this mess is your own creation you start feeling guilt, shame, and defeat. 

Good news is you’re also the solution. You hold the power to defeat procrastination and get your projects to a manageable workload. I know it may seem impossible, but when you defeat procrastination, you’re entire attitude concerning your work will change. 

Damaged Reputation

When you procrastinate and miss deadlines, your work product falters…or stops all together. Either way, this will have a great impact on your reputation. Do you want to have a reputation of someone who doesn’t finish their projects or turns in sloppy work?

If this is a reputation you don’t want to establish, then the best recourse is to stop procrastinating. Below, I’ll address 7 steps to defat procrastination. You can use these to finish your projects and save your reputation. 

Missed Opportunities 

When you’re busy trying to finish everything you’ve put off, you won’t have the time and resources to take on any new opportunities that present themselves. I wonder how often God has new things for us…but we’re just too busy to accept them.

I wonder how often God has new things for us…but we’re just too busy to accept them.

We become so busy attempting to get on top of our workload that we’re unable to accept that new project or dinner date. By defeating procrastination you’ll be freeing yourself up for new opportunities in the future. 

7 Steps to Defeat Procrastination

You no longer have to be stuck in procrastinating. You can change the habit and become more productive. Here are 7 steps you can use to defeat procrastination. Do not put off using these 7 steps…that’s called procrastination. 

Step 1: Don’t Be Perfect 

Perfection kills productivity. Trying to make something perfect ensures it will never be finished. It can always be improved. Done is better than perfect. Start working on it and make it better as you go. Just know it will never be perfect…so stop waiting for perfect and shoot for done.

If you want to defeat procrastination…don’t try to be perfect. Remember, perfectionism kills productivity. 

Step 2: Narrow Your Focus 

Narrow your focus by not focusing on the entire project at once. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you look at the project as a whole. Instead, focus on the next couple of steps. Do the most important thing first…and then the second…and then the third. 

Take a moment and write down the next couple of steps in the project. Once you know the next right thing to do, start doing it. Then move on to the next right thing to do. Focusing your projects in this manner will keep you from becoming overwhelmed by the magnitude of your projects. 

Step 3: Do Not Multitask

When you multitask you become overwhelmed. I do not like multitasking and I do not agree with multitasking. When you multitask, all your projects become subpar. Multitasking destroys focus and productivity.

When you choose to focus on one task you start to experience momentum, which propels you forward. 

Step 4: Use Momentum To Your Favor 

Start with a small task and build momentum to keep going. As you start checking off items off your list, you will find it easy to move on to the next items on your list. 

When you check off the 1st item, the 2nd item becomes easier to start and finish. When you finish the 2nd item, the 3rd item becomes easier to start and finish…etc. By doing this you’re using momentum to you favor…to your benefit. 

Step 5: Become A Jedi Master

Because as a Jedi Master you don’t procrastinate…you’re welcome. Jurgen Wolff calls this step the alter ego strategy. This Basically comes down to change the way you feel. You are In charge of your emotions. You’re in charge of how you feel. 

Think about how you need to feel in order to complete the task in front of you…and then change the way you feel to match what you need. 

You get to become a Jedi Master by changing your emotions. Do you need to be asserted, focused, etc. Think of a time where you’ve had that feeling. Then channel that feeling. When you experience the feeling…start the task. 

Step 6: Reward Yourself 

Give yourself a reward for finishing the task. It can be as simple as having a relaxing evening or going to the park. It just needs to be something you enjoy doing. Having a reward will give you the motivation you need to continue and finish. 

Reward yourself with something you’d enjoy and use that as motivation. Remember lack of motivation is one of the reasons we procrastinate, so having a small reward will give you the motivation you need to defeat procrastination. 

Step 7: Hold Yourself Publicly Accountable 

Finally, hold yourself publicly accountable. When you’re being held publicly accountable, to you’re more likely to start and finish the project. This is why it’s a great idea to share your goals with at least one person. 

I don’t recommend sharing your goals with everyone, but pick someone who will cheer you on and help you stay on track. These are the friends who will help you succeed. Hold yourself accountable to these friends and you’ll be surprised how much motivation you find. 


If you struggle with procrastination, then this article is just for you. This article addresses 5 reasons we procrastinate, the 6 pitfalls of procrastination, and 7 steps you can use to defeat procrastination. You no longer have to be stuck in the habit of procrastinating. You can break the habit and change your life.

7 Simple Things You Can Do to Grow Your Christian Blog

Is working on your blog something you’ve been procrastination on? Don’t procrastinate any longer. If you want to get serious about growing your Christian Blog then grab my free guide. It details 7 simple things you can do to prime your blog for growth. 

These 7 simple things will help you: Discover, Serve, & Build Trust with Your Ideal Audience…transforming them into loyal ideal readers… In addition to receiving the guide, you’ll also receive a daily email from me during the next 7 days with additional tips and resources.

Get the FREE Guide


Question: What tactic are you going to start using today to defeat procrastination? Let me know in the comments.

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Chris Baldwin is an attorney, author, and speaker. He helps motivated but overwhelmed Christian bloggers create, grow, and leverage their online platforms for the Kingdom. Chris blogs at

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Rekindle Your Quiet Time by Doing 5 Things

Do you struggle having a consistent and enjoyable quiet time? If so, join me for a 5-Day Quiet Time Challenge and receive my free quiet time guide, detailing the 5 things I do in every quiet time.