What do you believe?

Looking back at my life I realized I was believing so many lies. My belief in these lies were so strong…mainly because I had experience to back them. I knew they had to be true. Then something happened. I wondered…what if my experience was the lie. What if what I thought was happening wasn’t really the truth? I was dealing with ungodly beliefs. (UGB’s)

Ungodly Beliefs

An ungodly belief is something that appears to be true based on your experiences; however, when compared to the Word of God they’re false. UGB’s are tricky little buggers. Jesus; however, paid for our freedom from buggers no matter how tricky they might be.

When going through RTF, Restoring the Foundations, I thought I might only have a couple of ungodly beliefs, if any. The ministers found twelve without even looking hard. It’s hard to know if what you are believing is false because you believe it. One of the UGB’s I had was, “My acceptance and worth are based on my performance, and my performance is not always good enough.” When the minister asked me if that sentence sounded true, I answered, “Absolutely, that’s not an ungodly belief because it is true.” “Why do you have to be good enough? Does God not love you regardless of your performance?” asked the minister. “It sounds like you’ve been living as an orphan trying to earn a love thats free.”

It’s hard to know if what you are believing is false because you believe it.

I asked God what His thoughts were about this belief. God said, “Your acceptance and worth are based on my grace. Your performance is not the reason for my love; it’s a product of my love.” My whole life I had been working for love instead of working out of love.

How do UGBs Develop?

They come from many different places. They can form from experiences, the media, be passed down your family line, or develop from plain “stinking thinking.” Stinking thinking is negative self talk. It’s like feeding your soul McDonalds. It’s not healthy.

UGB’s deal with the heart and not always with the mind. I’ve always known God loves me but I didn’t really know it. I had a head revelation of the Father’s love but not a heart revelation. Getting revelation to travel down that six inches is everything. Don’t tell me what you believe. Let me see your actions and I will show you what you believe.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)

How to Destroy Ungodly Beliefs

How do you destroy UGB’s? Well, there are three keys. First you need to confess the sin of believing the lie. Yes, believing the lie is a sin because you are empowering the enemy. Next, ask for forgiveness for believing the lie. God is quick to forgive. Then you forgive. Forgive those who contributed to you believing the lie and you need to forgive yourself for believing the lie. Finally, when forgiveness has been given then renounce and break the UGB. Renouncing is declaring that you no longer have whatever it is you are renouncing. Finally, ask God for the truth. That way you can replace the UGB with a GB, Godly belief. Boom! Look at you getting all free and stuff.

What are some of the UGBs you’ve had to deal with? Let me know in the comments.

Chris Baldwin is an attorney, author, and speaker. He helps motivated but overwhelmed Christian bloggers create, grow, and leverage their online platforms for the Kingdom. Chris blogs at chrisbaldwin.com

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Rekindle Your Quiet Time by Doing 5 Things

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